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Bookaholic : 4 self-enrichment books you should read right now!

Hello loves!  This post is specially created for all the book lovers out there and for those who are in searching for something pleasurable and uplifting to read, why don't check out these 4 intriguing books! 

Nothing feels better than spending my own quality time and some inspirational books! According to an interesting information I have found on reveals positive benefits of reading books. Not only this healthy habit can bring you pleasure ,but also increase your ability to empathize, strengthen your brain and prepare you for a good night's rest.With that being said, I bring you together my 4 favourite books that I absolutely love and think you might do too! These books are definitely worth purchasing and your time!      Have a great weekend xx

1. Who says you can't? YOU DO by Daniel Chidiac

ISBN : 978-1-473-68424-9 PRICE : 550 BAHT (approximately 13.44 $)

If you are looking for an encouraging self-help book that will help you stregthen your mind, gain more confidence, courage in one´s self and understanding towards success. This book is your perfect match! So basically this book teaches you on how to master your own mind because what we think we become and the quality of our thoughts affect the reality we are living in. I like how the author uses his own struggle and journey to relate to the readers. Moreover in each sections of the book fill with bunch of wise words from key people such Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and Bill Gates. The Author also introduce you a new way to approach your challenge and helpful guides on how to improve your personal relationship for a better! For ESL learner(English as a second language) I would highly recomended this book as a tool to increase your english reading skill and expand your new english vocabs .

2. Dare to lead (Brave work. Tough conversation. Whole hearts)

by Brené Brown ISBN : 978-1-785-04214-0 PRICE : 455 BAHT

I bought this book long after I watched one of her Ted Talks and Netflix show named

" The Call to Courage" . Brenne Brown is a reseacher professor at the University of Houston and launched her own organisation "Brave leaders Inc". The reason I decided to buy this book is not based solely on her talk shows but her stregth and capability to dig deep to such sensitive topics like shame, vulnerability and emphaty also expand my understanding on how to build a healthy trust with other people which I find it really resonate with  myself in general. To be honest I could not put this book down since I first started reading it! 

This book also help me to differentiate the true meaning of "Emphathy" and "Symphaty". When we emphatize others, we look at them without judgement but understanding. Even we might not be able to resonate their journey, struggle or pain 100% but you genuinely listen to them. You feel their pain but are not responsible for their´s. This little space you created call "boundaries". Brenne also gives such well explanation about shame said ""Shame is the fear that something we´ve done or failed to do, an ideal that we´ve not lived up to, or a goal that we´ve not accomplished makes us unworthy of conection. These are only half of incredible eye-openning facts in this book. If I were you, I´d definitely give this gem a chance!

3. Good vibes, Good life ( How self-love is the key to unlocking

your greatness) by Vex King

ISBN : 978-1-78817-182-3 PRICE : 374 BAHT (approximately 10.99$)

Out of 4 books I have read, this one is my favourite book so far! Because it covers all aspects that I am specially interested in. Before I dive into more details of this book ,let's get to know a bit more about the author "Vet King". He is a writer, mind coach and well-known influencer on social media platform like instagram. He offers his kind and inspirational quotes and tips to help people out. To me, I consider him as a self-made successful person, you will discover more why on this book and how he turned his setback to be the greatest comeback! His story is none like the other and I admire his vision and his ability to remain positive even in the difficulties. 

Basically what you will learn in this spiritual book are very wide-range. He talks about familiar topics such self-love and respect and how it will leave such positively impact on you. Moreover he also encourage people to embrace their uniqueness related to his word written on this book "Your individuality is a blessing, not a burden. If you try to be like everyone else, your life will be no greater than theirs. By following the crowd, you'll become a part of it and fail to stand out. By travelling the same road as them, you won't get the chance to see anything different from what they see" . The other section of the books get into specific details about law of attraction and the power of your thoughts and help you transform your limited belief system. 

"To receive or perceive the reality you wish to have, you must be in energetic harmony with that which you desire. This means that our thoughts, emotions, words and actions must align with what we want"

4. C'est la vie (The French Art of Letting go) by Fabrice Midal

ISBN : 978-1-4091-7590-2 PRICE : 350 BAHT (approximately 10.75$)

Here come the last book of the day! I bought this french philosophical based book by chance at Asia book (Emporuim branch). It was my total random choice, since the cover looks slightly chic so why not give it a try! Guess what? This book is totally worth my money! What makes this book stand out from the others is that he has such a genius concept to change reader's perspective. For example, instead of giving tips to readers on how to get over perfectionism he challenge us to embrace life's storm which if you think it through, it is a part of our lives we can't deny or avoid. My favourite parts are stop to trying to understand everything : Discover the power of ignorance. The explanation is so on point and give such crystal clear reason why trying to understanding is a terrible trap (p.110) and encourage you to just for it and stop analysing so much! Another  part called "Stop Rationalizing : Let things be"  The topic is already explained itself quite clear. He shows another side of trying to find an answers in everything. We get stuck. In this chapter you will learn to let go and ife unfold naturally for you and let things be. Even I do not have much specific knowledge in philosophy before hand but I find it such interesting to learn and broaden my horizon through this book and get to know about french philosophy concept.                         



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