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Confidence is sexy! easiest ways to increase your self-esteem

Not everyone is born being confident, for some confidence comes natural but others need

more practices to break free from his/her own limitation in order to overcome low self-esteem.

Today, I gather you some useful tips that are super easy to practice on a daily basis.

                                                               Let's dive in!

For those who have no idea what is a definition of self-esteem is, it is basically a belief and confidence in your own ability  and value. This also has to do with how to see and perceive yourself.

Your worth and value already existed within you, it depends on you whether you recognise them or not.

1. Start seeing yourself the same way you would like the others to see you

The easiest way of fixing your self-esteem is to start working on your belief system.

Choose to see yourself as a beautiful, confident, enough and whole as an individual. As you constantly remind yourself of these good traits, you will end up feeling happier and more confident.

2. Avoid comparison, jealousy and gossips

Don't ever let comparison, jealousy and gossiping become your habit or get into you. Try to challenge yourself to think differently. Turn comparison into a motivation to become better. You can do anything, only if you commit and be consistent about it. Success is for everyone. Quit negative self-talk!

Gossip might be easiest thing to do, yet the hardest thing to quit. If you want talk about the other person. Talk about his or her achievement, their outstanding character. Be aware of what you said behind someone's back. Either good or bad ,it will surely come back to you in the end. Be selective and intelligent about it. What you see in others is a reflection of you.

3. Practice positive self-talk and confidence. Always believe in yourself and your dream

Being confident is not thinking that you are the best or the prettiest. On the contrary, it is an ability to accept one's self. Even you know that you might not be the smartest people in the room but that's okay. Confident people realise their weakness and choose to embrace it and work on becoming better  Confident people do not use weakness against someone. They choose to encourage people's weakness

and use their confident to celebrate people's strength. Try to talk yourself into something you really want

to achieve. Believe in your own potential. Being successful is all about great mindset.

4. Work on yourself. Deal with your weakness and insecurities

To become more confident, you must willing to work onyourself. Write down all the weaknesses you have or bad habits you want to break. Then start to work on them by changing your thinking pattern. Dare to push yourself out of comfort zone. Let say, if you are fearful and it holds you back. Let yourself feel this fearful emotion, expect positive outcome and doing anyway. By doing this you slowly turn your fear into courage, you step into another side of insecurity. You become fearless.

5. Read good books, choose to surround yourself with people who inspires you level up and take your time off from social media. Having a postive mindset is pretty crucial. Especially living in a modern world now away. We spend most of our time on a screen. I personally find it every effective after taking my time off from social media.

I read more and engage more with activities I enjoy doing. My self-esteem becomes healthier because I have no time comparing my life to anyone. I am working my personal growth. At the end of the day, a social media is not your reality and whatever is being presented on instagram or facebook is only a highlight reel. Be mindful when using social media. If you consume something positive, Great, keep it going!

Last but not least, spend more time with people who brings positive energy , inspire you to be your authentic self and believe in you. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with

Go for people who is good for mental heath!



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