Girl's talk : "I am enough" is a life-changing mentality!
Are you struggling with lack-mentality? You constantly feel like you are not good enough.
You seek validation and recognition from other people?
Let this post be your personal reminder that "YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH"
When you know you are good enough, you stop settle for less. You are happy on your own without
seeking someone to validate your presence. You stop second-guessing yourself.
You hold your ground , knowing that by doing this you are making space for healthy people to enter
your life. Instead of asking "am I enough for someone?" ask yourself whether you are enough for you.

I hope you realize that you are more than enough. Your flaws, body size, physical appearance or past mistakes don't define you. Don't you dare let all those things label you? I hope every time you look in the mirror, you realize that the best thing ever happened to the world is you. Let go of insecurities, body issue, pressure and people's expectation. Let go of everything that weighs you down in a past few days, weeks or months. Free your mind and fill it with positive thoughts. Think about it, how amazing would it be, if you slowly change the way you see and talk to yourself?
You don't have to be hard on yourself all the time, this only exhausts you and drains your energy.
Even you are not the smartest, prettiest or the most confidence person in the room, these are not going to change the fact that you are more than enough as a person. As long as you are happy with who you are, nothing else really that matters. The only person that can limit you and your potential is yourself.
You already have so many things against you in this life. Do yourself a favour by being your own biggest supporter." Don't be against yourself.Learn to compliment yourself (I know it might sounds a little bit odd but doing this really help increasing your self-esteem).
Reward yourself every time you achieve your goal, this small act shows appreciation toward yourself and your hard-work you put into behind the scene. Write down at least 3 qualities you love about yourself, every time you feel down, keep reading these amazing qualities to yourself.
Sometimes we spend so much time wondering whether we are enough for somebody but have you ever asked yourself whether you are enough for you?