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My story will encourage you to chase your passion and follow your dream!

"Do it with passion or not at all" This quote becomes my mantra for life, whatever I commit to do, I also make sure that it stems from my genuine interest. I truly believe, when people choose to do what they supremely good at, they soon becomes successful. It might takes months or years but what cannot compare to is joy during the journey of following your dream. When it comes to fashion and art, I have this special kind of enthusiasm and eager to learn more about it. Fashion has allowed me to be my best authentic self, while art itself allows my imagination flow effortlessly. Of course, when you dream big enough, there will come a time when your dream and passion will be tested, you begin to doubt your goal but this trial is only tests how bad do you want your big dream to come true. Setbacks and failure are the important ingredient of success, without these two things I would not know how much I love what I do and my true motive behind my dream. I learn to stand up and fight for my dream. I stop paying attention to what everyone else is doing and focusing on my goals instead. For me, to do what I love is the special kind of happiness. I don't even need set my alarm clock because I have my passion as a wakeup call everyday! 



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